Instagram Update by Himchan and Zelo

Shared by Elizabeth@BAPYESSIR.COM
/!\This is a masterpost for Instagram Updates of November

I love and cherish you, thank you

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM




BABYs who came today, thank you and I love you


Hyein who is my dongsaeng since middle school, finally debuted with her first movie. I hope everyone watch this and enjoy.

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM


Finally wrapped up the first show of All Shook Up. I made a lot of mistakes and there were many problems but in the future, i'll greet you with much better performances and as a much cooler Elvis. All the audience who came today and the BABYs to whom I'm forever grateful, thank you and I love you ❤ I really have a lot that I want to say but since this is just the beginning, I'll save my breath in order to become even more perfect. Please show lots of love to our All Shook Up. Without an exception, everyone is doing their best to perform. Thank you very much. #AllShookUp

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM




You always shine brightly

Going home

Oh yeah

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM


In the middle of practice

My neck almost got hurt while trying to take a selfie to say that I arrived safely🤔 I've arrived safely!

When are we going home?

trans cr. transforbap




Penang... So beautiful... I want to go walkkkk

trans cr. transforbap



A post shared by Himchan (@chanchanieeeeee) on

I couldn't sleep so I came to Jung Daehyun's room and laid down but he just ignores me Video trans: HC: "Daehyun!" DH: "Yes?" HC: "Daehyun!" DH: "Yes?" HC: "You know that I'm in your room, right? Hey... Hey!" DH: "I do know."
HC: "Daehyun! Hey! Are you ignoring me?" DH: "I see you." HC: "You see me?" DH: "Yes."

We reached Malaysia well! See you at the concert tomorrow🙏🏻 

trans cr. transforbap

©Feels So Good



My dream is #TennisPlayer 🏓

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

Fighting for Today, too

A post shared by Himchan (@chanchanieeeeee) on

Genius composer...! The melody is striking

Okay. My oldest noona...
I needed to lose weight, so thanks 
I was practicing, nice timing
An apple like taste of jelly melts in your mouth
Let's all start eating diet food for the first time
And feel it everyone
I'll reveal (the results)
#Calobye #GreenAppleDiet 🍏🍏🍏

A post shared by @byzelo on

Please save me
Mochiiyaaaa #mochii #dude #BABYs #HeIsMoreConciousOfCameras #ThanIAm #sobs #ImHungry

Dark circle #dark #circle #dark #circle (first two is in english, others are in korean)

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

I was grateful yesterday and... I'm grateful today as well, thank you 💜 I ate until i was full!!! Thank you, really 💜 #baby #AllShookUp

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

The Unit! Do vote! My favourites are our Euijin and Suwoong! #TheUnit #Sonamoo #Euijin #BoysRepublic #Suwoong

Bros(,) let me rest for a short while I'm sweating sooo muchh...

trans cr. transforbap

Ah, so full 💜💜💜 #baby #AllShookUp

I had a delicious dinner thanks to BABYs... Thank you so much💜 I'll gain more strength and show you a good performance! #baby #AllShookUp

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

I have something to say... Vixx LR is really cool. I finally came to see you for the first time and you were so cool. Wonsik took off his shirt today so I saw his two nipples but my number one is forever your left-nipple-right-nipple ❣️  From now on, I'm a Starlight, too
trans by transforbap and Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

A post shared by @moonjongyeup on

Wanna do it again

A post shared by BANG YONGGUK (@bangstergram) on

What's going on... as soon as i went outside, my whole body started feeling numb, it's co-cold... be careful of catching a cold

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

Fanmeeting in a short while! See you soon!👋 #baby

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

Don't catch a cold guys!!! #AllShookUp

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

A post shared by @moonjongyeup on

Ah! I want to scold Moon Jongup especially today. I just wanna scold him, wanna scold him really bad. Yeah, i have never ever scolded him properly until now. And this makes me wanna scold him even more today. 

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM


I'll eat well

Is everyone okay after the earthquake? I was lying on the couch and suddenly I thought there was a cramp in my back wow

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM


A post shared by @moonjongyeup on

I ate it well, thank you

Sonamoo fighting!

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

I'll recommend a must-have item. #MELDVICI that you can use anywhere, anytime and as much as you like

I slightly hurt my hand while cleaning and just as i was looking for medicine, (found) the gift that BABY gave me! Once again i felt that I'm getting love like this. It seems that I'm really like a fool who can't do anything by himself

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

It was painful to breathe because of the strong cold but we did great. Wow so cool, indeed BAP, if it's live singing then it's BAP, if it's talent then it's BAP. Live broadcast ended


Because i don't have a photo to upload...! Thank you so much for coming today despite the extreme cold. I love you

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

My favorite pick #SuWoong #TheUnit #LetsVote here!


KBS The Unit! Please vote for our Suwoong hehe 😀😀😀 #BoysRepublic #SuWoong #LeeSuWoong #TheUnit

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

©Nana Jung

©Nana Jung

 We ate well Hoyeongie hyung #AllShookUp

Everyone do have your meals #baby

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

A Happy Morning #baby

trans cr. transforbap

My neck is about to break

A post shared by Himchan (@chanchanieeeeee) on
#Sonamoo #I


Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

We can't be separated 😆

A post shared by Himchan (@chanchanieeeeee) on

Pork Belly

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

Three (El)vis

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

Also, the stage with Jiyoung noona was very fun! I enjoyed it CandyInMyEar

Our lovely BABYs who came to see us today💙 It was very cold but thank you very much for not leaving your seats till the end despite the cold! Also everyone in Pyongchang, you will get really cold so go home, take your medicine and sleep

Just in case I'm telling this to the fans, fan noona-dongsaengs and my loves who will come to see us today. Right now Pyongchang is extremely cold....! Really, seriously too cold that it's ridiculous... Please wear warmly before coming
 I tried hard for you guys... But there are things that didn't work out even if i tried hard... Challenging and challenging dozens of times but still... failed 

To. Jiseongie hyung's fans


Among all the people I've ever met, the one with the nicest personality 👍 Very cool very cool 😁 #YoonJiSong

Everyone!!! Wear warmly so you won't catch a cold!!!!! See you soon 👏 #BABY #BAP #TRCNG

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

The first snow.... like this.... with the manager.... just the two of us.... 

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

Should I let my hair down tomorrow at Pyongchang Dream Concert? See you at the Dream Concert

 Yongsaengie hyung happy birthday Yongsaengie hyung's fans! Always snacks, drinks and food!!! I ate them really well!! Thank you hehe #AllShookUp

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM


Lee Hanie hyung's new song is out!! Whenever I look at him, I think that he and Jongup really look alike...

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

The car has arrived
Goodbye manager-nim
Thank you for filming beautifully

I saw this yesterday. Seoul, you really are so beautiful!

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

A post shared by @byzelo on

A post shared by @byzelo on

 It has gotten too cold... You have to wear warmly before going out... Because you can't catch a cold! See you soon hehe #baby

Come on Everybody #AllShookUp

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM 

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