If you are looking for anything related to B.A.P DISCOGRAPHY or OFFICIAL GOODS (DVD, Photobooks, etc.), you will find what you need on the page: Albums/Merch
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- TWITTER: @bysisa
-Official Albums
Audios, Music Videos, Lyrics, Photoshoot related to official releases
Albums promotions on Korean music shows
B.A.P has been the ambassador of some company's products and are also sponsoring many charities in Korea and overseas. Find all informations, photos and articles about their endorsements and charity work.
-Misc, Ranking & Articles
All ranking or articles that can't be archived in more specific categories are put together in this one. If you have trouble finding what you're looking for in this category, you can ask an admin at
-Official Albums
Audios, Music Videos, Lyrics, Photoshoot related to official releases
Albums promotions on Korean music shows
Performances, Backstages, Charts (Rankings), Fanchant
Messages from B.A.P! You will find masterposts of Twitter & Instagram updates from B.A.P's members, their staff and sometimes of their family/friends. This category also includes all Facebook, Daum fancafe, Weibo, Me2Day and Vine updates from the members or TS ENT.
Concerts posts (fantakens, fancams, fanaccounts) are archived in this category. Find also reviews and press conferences of some concerts.
Fansign events in Korea and fanmeetings in Korea, Japan or in other countries are archived in this category. You will find tons of fantakens, fancams and some fanaccounts.
Other events B.A.P¨may attend, such as Kpop concerts, awards shows and more are archived in this category.
B.A.P is always travelling! Find fantakens, fancams and some fanaccounts of their departures and arrivals in airports.
Looking for TV or radio shows to watch? You will find official photos from broadcast company, and videos of their appearences on these shows. Most of them has English subtiles.
B.A.P is often mentioned in Japanese magazines, but also in some Korean and foreign magazines. Find all scans and translations in this category.
Interviews that aren't related to a magazine or a newspaper will be archived in this category. All interviews are translated in English.
B.A.P has been the ambassador of some company's products and are also sponsoring many charities in Korea and overseas. Find all informations, photos and articles about their endorsements and charity work.
-Misc, Ranking & Articles
All ranking or articles that can't be archived in more specific categories are put together in this one. If you have trouble finding what you're looking for in this category, you can ask an admin at
Albums promotions on Korean music shows
Performances, Backstages, Charts (Rankings), Fanchant
× Feel So Good
-Twitter & Instagram / Other medias & Messages
Messages from B.A.P! You will find masterposts of Twitter & Instagram updates from B.A.P's members, their staff and sometimes of their family/friends. This category also includes all Facebook, Daum fancafe, Weibo, Me2Day and Vine updates from the members or TS ENT.
Concerts posts (fantakens, fancams, fanaccounts) are archived in this category. Find also reviews and press conferences of some concerts.
Fansign events in Korea and fanmeetings in Korea, Japan or in other countries are archived in this category. You will find tons of fantakens, fancams and some fanaccounts.
-Events in Korea/Overseas
Other events B.A.P¨may attend, such as Kpop concerts, awards shows and more are archived in this category.
B.A.P is always travelling! Find fantakens, fancams and some fanaccounts of their departures and arrivals in airports.
Looking for TV or radio shows to watch? You will find official photos from broadcast company, and videos of their appearences on these shows. Most of them has English subtiles.
B.A.P is often mentioned in Japanese magazines, but also in some Korean and foreign magazines. Find all scans and translations in this category.
Interviews that aren't related to a magazine or a newspaper will be archived in this category. All interviews are translated in English.
B.A.P has been the ambassador of some company's products and are also sponsoring many charities in Korea and overseas. Find all informations, photos and articles about their endorsements and charity work.
-Misc, Ranking & Articles
All ranking or articles that can't be archived in more specific categories are put together in this one. If you have trouble finding what you're looking for in this category, you can ask an admin at
2015Performances, Backstages, Charts (Rankings), Fanchant
× Feel So Good
-Twitter & Instagram / Other medias & Messages
Messages from B.A.P! You will find masterposts of Twitter & Instagram updates from B.A.P's members, their staff and sometimes of their family/friends. This category also includes all Facebook, Daum fancafe, Weibo, Me2Day and Vine updates from the members or TS ENT.
Concerts posts (fantakens, fancams, fanaccounts) are archived in this category. Find also reviews and press conferences of some concerts.
Fansign events in Korea and fanmeetings in Korea, Japan or in other countries are archived in this category. You will find tons of fantakens, fancams and some fanaccounts.
-Events in Korea/Overseas
Other events B.A.P¨may attend, such as Kpop concerts, awards shows and more are archived in this category.
B.A.P is always travelling! Find fantakens, fancams and some fanaccounts of their departures and arrivals in airports.
Looking for TV or radio shows to watch? You will find official photos from broadcast company, and videos of their appearences on these shows. Most of them has English subtiles.
B.A.P is often mentioned in Japanese magazines, but also in some Korean and foreign magazines. Find all scans and translations in this category.
Interviews that aren't related to a magazine or a newspaper will be archived in this category. All interviews are translated in English.
B.A.P has been the ambassador of some company's products and are also sponsoring many charities in Korea and overseas. Find all informations, photos and articles about their endorsements and charity work.
-Misc, Ranking & Articles
All ranking or articles that can't be archived in more specific categories are put together in this one. If you have trouble finding what you're looking for in this category, you can ask an admin at
-Official Albums
Audios, Music Videos, Lyrics, Photoshoot related to official releases
-Official Albums
Audios, Music Videos, Lyrics, Photoshoot related to official releases
Albums promotions on Korean music shows
Performances, Backstages, Charts (Rankings), Fanchant
× Young, Wild & Free + Be Happy
-Twitter & Instagram / Other medias & Messages
Messages from B.A.P! You will find masterposts of Twitter & Instagram updates from B.A.P's members, their staff and sometimes of their family/friends. This category also includes all Facebook, Daum fancafe, Weibo, Me2Day and Vine updates from the members or TS ENT.
Concerts posts (fantakens, fancams, fanaccounts) are archived in this category. Find also reviews and press conferences of some concerts.
Fansign events in Korea and fanmeetings in Korea, Japan or in other countries are archived in this category. You will find tons of fantakens, fancams and some fanaccounts.
-Events in Korea/Overseas
Other events B.A.P¨may attend, such as Kpop concerts, awards shows and more are archived in this category.
B.A.P is always travelling! Find fantakens, fancams and some fanaccounts of their departures and arrivals in airports.
Looking for TV or radio shows to watch? You will find official photos from broadcast company, and videos of their appearences on these shows. Most of them has English subtiles.
B.A.P is often mentioned in Japanese magazines, but also in some Korean and foreign magazines. Find all scans and translations in this category.
Interviews that aren't related to a magazine or a newspaper will be archived in this category. All interviews are translated in English.
B.A.P has been the ambassador of some company's products and are also sponsoring many charities in Korea and overseas. Find all informations, photos and articles about their endorsements and charity work.
-Misc, Ranking & Articles
All ranking or articles that can't be archived in more specific categories are put together in this one. If you have trouble finding what you're looking for in this category, you can ask an admin at
Performances, Backstages, Charts (Rankings), Fanchant
× Young, Wild & Free + Be Happy
-Twitter & Instagram / Other medias & Messages
Messages from B.A.P! You will find masterposts of Twitter & Instagram updates from B.A.P's members, their staff and sometimes of their family/friends. This category also includes all Facebook, Daum fancafe, Weibo, Me2Day and Vine updates from the members or TS ENT.
Concerts posts (fantakens, fancams, fanaccounts) are archived in this category. Find also reviews and press conferences of some concerts.
Fansign events in Korea and fanmeetings in Korea, Japan or in other countries are archived in this category. You will find tons of fantakens, fancams and some fanaccounts.
-Events in Korea/Overseas
Other events B.A.P¨may attend, such as Kpop concerts, awards shows and more are archived in this category.
B.A.P is always travelling! Find fantakens, fancams and some fanaccounts of their departures and arrivals in airports.
Looking for TV or radio shows to watch? You will find official photos from broadcast company, and videos of their appearences on these shows. Most of them has English subtiles.
B.A.P is often mentioned in Japanese magazines, but also in some Korean and foreign magazines. Find all scans and translations in this category.
Interviews that aren't related to a magazine or a newspaper will be archived in this category. All interviews are translated in English.
B.A.P has been the ambassador of some company's products and are also sponsoring many charities in Korea and overseas. Find all informations, photos and articles about their endorsements and charity work.
-Misc, Ranking & Articles
All ranking or articles that can't be archived in more specific categories are put together in this one. If you have trouble finding what you're looking for in this category, you can ask an admin at
-Official Albums
Audios, Music Videos, Lyrics, Photoshoot related to official releases
-Official Albums
Audios, Music Videos, Lyrics, Photoshoot related to official releases
-Albums promotions on Korean music shows
Performances, Backstages, Charts (Rankings), Fanchant
× 1004 (Angel)
-Twitter & Instagram / Other medias & Messages
Messages from B.A.P! You will find masterposts of Twitter & Instagram updates from B.A.P's members, their staff and sometimes of their family/friends. This category also includes all Facebook, Daum fancafe, Weibo, Me2Day and Vine updates from the members or TS ENT.
Concerts posts (fantakens, fancams, fanaccounts) are archived in this category. Find also reviews and press conferences of some concerts. × 1004 (Angel)
-Twitter & Instagram / Other medias & Messages
Messages from B.A.P! You will find masterposts of Twitter & Instagram updates from B.A.P's members, their staff and sometimes of their family/friends. This category also includes all Facebook, Daum fancafe, Weibo, Me2Day and Vine updates from the members or TS ENT.
Fansign events in Korea and fanmeetings in Korea, Japan or in other countries are archived in this category. You will find tons of fantakens, fancams and some fanaccounts.
-Events in Korea/Overseas
Other events B.A.P¨may attend, such as Kpop concerts, awards shows and more are archived in this category.
B.A.P is always travelling! Find fantakens, fancams and some fanaccounts of their departures and arrivals in airports.
Looking for TV or radio shows to watch? You will find official photos from broadcast company, and videos of their appearences on these shows. Most of them has English subtiles.
B.A.P is often mentioned in Japanese magazines, but also in some Korean and foreign magazines. Find all scans and translations in this category.
Interviews that aren't related to a magazine or a newspaper will be archived in this category. All interviews are translated in English.
B.A.P has been the ambassador of some company's products and are also sponsoring many charities in Korea and overseas. Find all informations, photos and articles about their endorsements and charity work.
-Misc, Ranking & Articles
All ranking or articles that can't be archived in more specific categories are put together in this one. If you have trouble finding what you're looking for in this category, you can ask an admin at
Audios, Music Videos, Lyrics, Photoshoot related to official releases
-Albums promotions on Korean music showsPerformances, Backstages, Charts, Fanchant
× One Shot
× Badman
-Twitter & Instagram / Other medias & Messages
Messages from B.A.P! You will find masterposts of Twitter & Instagram updates from B.A.P's members, their staff and sometimes of their family/friends. This category also includes all Facebook, Daum fancafe, Weibo, Me2Day and Vine updates from the members or TS ENT.
Fansign events in Korea and fanmeetings in Korea, Japan or in other countries are archived in this category. You will find tons of fantakens, fancams and some fanaccounts.
-Events in Korea/Overseas
Other events B.A.P¨may attend, such as Kpop concerts, awards shows and more are archived in this category.
B.A.P is always travelling! Find fantakens, fancams and some fanaccounts of their departures and arrivals in airports.
Looking for TV or radio shows to watch? You will find official photos from broadcast company, and videos of their appearences on these shows. Most of them has English subtiles.
B.A.P is often mentioned in Japanese magazines, but also in some Korean and foreign magazines. Find all scans and translations in this category.
Interviews that aren't related to a magazine or a newspaper will be archived in this category. All interviews are translated in English.
B.A.P has been the ambassador of some company's products and are also sponsoring many charities in Korea and overseas. Find all informations, photos and articles about their endorsements and charity work.
-Misc, Ranking & Articles
All ranking or articles that can't be archived in more specific categories are put together in this one. If you have trouble finding what you're looking for in this category, you can ask an admin at
-Albums promotions on Korean music shows
Performances, Backstages, Charts, Fanchant
× Warrior
× Power
× No Mercy
× Crash
× Stop It
-Twitter & Instagram / Other medias & Messages
Messages from B.A.P! You will find masterposts of Twitter & Instagram updates from B.A.P's members, their staff and sometimes of their family/friends. This category also includes all Facebook, Daum fancafe, Weibo, Me2Day and Vine updates from the members or TS ENT.
-Concerts & Fansigns/Fanmeets
Performances, Backstages, Charts, Fanchant
× Warrior
× Power
× No Mercy
× Crash
× Stop It
-Twitter & Instagram / Other medias & Messages
Messages from B.A.P! You will find masterposts of Twitter & Instagram updates from B.A.P's members, their staff and sometimes of their family/friends. This category also includes all Facebook, Daum fancafe, Weibo, Me2Day and Vine updates from the members or TS ENT.
-Concerts & Fansigns/Fanmeets
-Events in Korea/Overseas
Other events B.A.P¨may attend, such as Kpop concerts, awards shows and more are archived in this category.
Looking for TV or radio shows to watch? You will find official photos from broadcast company, and videos of their appearences on these shows. Most of them has English subtiles.
B.A.P is often mentioned in Japanese magazines, but also in some Korean and foreign magazines. Find all scans and translations in this category.
Interviews that aren't related to a magazine or a newspaper will be archived in this category. All interviews are translated in English.
B.A.P has been the ambassador of some company's products and are also sponsoring many charities in Korea and overseas. Find all informations, photos and articles about their endorsements and charity work.
-Misc, Ranking & Articles
All ranking or articles that can't be archived in more specific categories are put together in this one. If you have trouble finding what you're looking for in this category, you can ask an admin at
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