Twitter Update by Himchan

Posted by Elizabeth@BAPYESSIR.COM
/!\ This is a masterpost for Twitter Updates of October 

Why has everyone watched this movie(?) In the end (I went) alone 👻

#Oppa #IsComingOutOnTV #Soon #OurBabies #Heuk #I #CannotDo #TheseKindOfThings #Goodnight

trans cr. transforbap

I miss you guys

Translation ©Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

Top: Have a nice day everyone
Middle: Sorry..I didn't mean to trick you..Twice at that...Sorry
*Bottom: #Halloween

trans cr. transforbap

*Translation ©Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

Posted by Melanie@BAPYESSIR.COM


Posted by Madi@BAPYESSIR.COM

Posted by Elizabeth@BAPYESSIR.COM
Top: Indeed my mom is the best! Ah my dad too! Lets have strength
Bottom:I'm uploading this to tell our BABYs to always be strong, to have good things (going) and to smile

Then restaurant and kings record practice room for me too.
Control C and control V on Daehyun hyung's japanese
Restaurant&King Records practice room #Thankyouforthemeal

After arriving, right into practice (tn: he misspelled one of the letters in 'practice')

Translation ©Fatma, Esther, and Luna @BAPYESSIR.COM

Guys if you've done your work today, have a good rest. I also have an appointment (for) a very sweet dream

Top:After you lie down, you roll and roll around and then sleep our BABYs worked really hard today. Have sweet dreams!
Bottom: I like it so much when after the day is over I take a shower and lie on my bed

Top:Cheep cheep little chick~ (tn: its from a children's song)
Bottom:In the middle of working

Yongguk hyung wanted to perform on stage together with us more than anyone else so it's so sad and worrying. But everyone~~ dont worry too much hehe! Since we are right beside him like right now and you the fans are giving him strength..!!
Even though we wont be able to do activites for this album together~ His health will get better and he will come back with a cool image!!

 If you cheer on us and love us just like you are doing now, yonggukkie hyung will be able to come back quickly. Its a pity that we wont be able to perform together this time but I want yongguk hyung to gain back his health so we can stand on stage together as soon as possible. In order for this to happen I hope you guys will become a big strength (for him)

Translation ©Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

Posted by Madi@BAPYESSIR.COM

Don't think about anything 🌙

Translation © Esther@BAPYESSIR.COM

Bottom: I'm writing this to those of you that heard the news and were shocked. Yongguk hyung is trying hard to become a better B.A.P with us with the album he produced. As the B.A.P leader and producer, that weight was probably too heavy.
Middle: As a member and dongsaeng, I have a sorry heart to hyung that I can't help share the weight of. Um.. He ended up not being able to be with us for this album's promotions. That is why we are trying to fill up Yongguk hyung's empty space. Of course, I think we can't fill it up 100%.
Top: However, I think everyone and us five being together, it might be possible. Just like you always have been, please be with us this time too. Thank you for always being a study crutch. I love you, our BABYS.

Bottom: I think you guys probably were puzzled and surprised by this sudden news. My heart is not well and I am worried due to my friend being sick, but we will help  him come back soon looking good because we have a lot more time to be together and promote in the future. Also, he's going to comeback soon.
Top: Everything is going to be better and it's going to be alright. We'll try harder and be everyone's strength.


Bottom: BABYS, you guys were surprised by the news, right? Yongguk hyung is always hardworking and tryin his bes as our leader. I too want to cheer for him to get better while he's resting. Also you guys' cheers and love is going to be a better
Top: (continued) help then me!!! That's why we should all cheer for him! For this album, please be with us to fill his empty space hehe! We will do our best to show off the album that Yongguk hyung worked hard on. Always thank you and thank you. I love you, BABY❤️

I will try my best to come back in a healthy state like gold.
In my head, I'm just thinking about how sorry and regretful it is that I can't be together with the members and everybody. Please give more attention and cheers for the members.

Translation © Esther@BAPYESSIR.COM

Squash on my head

Translation © Madi&Esther@BAPYESSIR.COM

Posted by Melanie@BAPYESSIR.COM

Posted by Madi@BAPYESSIR.COM

#BAPonefineday did you all watch it well??

Translation © Esther@BAPYESSIR.COM

Posted by Elizabeth@BAPYESSIR.COM
A three shot present for my fans whom I love

 Please deliver my food quickly. Im hungry hungry haha

One Fine Day..where can I watch it? #BAPOneFineDay

Top: How was One Fine Day? #BAPOneFineDay
Bottom: Scared because it's been a while

Growing my mustache starting today

Translation ©Esther@BAPYESSIR.COM

Posted by Melanie@BAPYESSIR.COM

Posted by Madi@BAPYESSIR.COM

It's cooold❄️

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

Posted by Elizabeth@BAPYESSIR.COM
Thank you everyone for today! It's cold so go home safely and always take care of your health!!

Our Hyung is now a married man

Congrats on Wedding

Translation © Esther@BAPYESSIR.COM
 I'm the king of Sachonsong in Hannamdong 🖒 (tn: Sachonsong is the name of the game

Translation ©Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

Stylish's Sense

Translation © Esther@BAPYESSIR.COM

Posted by Madi@BAPYESSIR.COM

I miss you too

Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

Posted by Elizabeth@BAPYESSIR.COM

Posted by Melanie@BAPYESSIR.COM

Posted by Elizabeth@BAPYESSIR.COM

Kibum(,) Yongsoo best models Get me in a little too🏃🏻👶🏻 @.kibumee @.jeong_yongsoo

Ddi-yong*👀 *T/N: Onomatopoeia for springing/bouncing
 trans cr. transforbap

 oooofffffffff woooooorrrrkkkkkk poof


Translation © Esther@BAPYESSSIR.COM

One Fine Day

Translation © Esther@BAPYESSSIR.COM

One Fine Day...where can you watch it

Translation © Esther@BAPYESSSIR.COM

Posted by Melanie@BAPYESSIR.COM

BAP One Fine Day, tonight at 7! #firstepisode #PrinceYoo#PrinceBang
Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

Posted by Elizabeth@BAPYESSIR.COM

Happy Face

Translation © Esther@BAPYESSSIR.COM

Posted by Melanie@BAPYESSIR.COM
1.I am also going to eat and then practice now hehe 
2. Have you eaten? Do eat everyone
3. Kekekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke
4. I will post again tomorrow hehehhehehe

trans cr. transforbap

Posted by Elizabeth@BAPYESSIR.COM

In the middle of practice

trans cr. transforbap

Posted by Madi@BAPYESSIR.COM

Everybody thank you #HBD

Thank you everyone I'm really happy as if I have everything

KKT: Yongguk: Junhong-ah, happy birthday. It's nice seeing you being concerned and anguished. You should live listening to nice words well and always accepting bad words positively too. You will become a better artiste. Le's become a better artiste that pays attention to criticisms rather than nice words. I should be a better role model but I'm not so I'm always sorry. But you're still the best to me. Let's become a cooler adult, fighting
Zelo: Thank you hyung

Top: Zelo: I was good, keep those words away hehe ^^ got it? Hiyaaaaaaa  Fan:I heard a lot about oppa's middle school life when I was attending middle school kekeke It was 4 years ago kekeke
Bottom: Zelo: Maybe, maybe not Fan: You might do better if you go back to this time

Top: Zelo:Should I say it's the flow of the consciousness Fan: Kekekekeke so cute eccentric
Bottom: Zelo:Hope you will stay healthy as always Fan: Will you read it if I write it in English?? Kekekekeke Hope you will stay healthy as always

Top: Zelo: I'll make my own fortune Good night bro Christian: Junhong-ah be well kekekeke hyung is going to sleep! kekeekekkekek

Bottom: Zelo: Buy me a house in Australia which overlooks the South Pacific Ocean Christian: It's Junhongie's birthday now~ What should I buy for you? Kekeke

Please becoem a Zelo that shines. Thank you everybody

trans cr. transforbap

My child is the best right?

trans cr. transforbap

I should go to sleep, goodnight!


trans cr. transforbap
Coming to the dorm, cooking and eating

Translation ©Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

See you in a few #baby 

Translation ©Esther@BAPYESSIR.COM
The best harmony... Im leaving after listening well! #honeyg#dontwannabeyourfriend
Translation ©Esther@BAPYESSIR.COM

Top:  Currently in progress....#ing
Translation ©Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

Bottom: Hyung who called when I apologized in advance....I purposely didn't pick it up hyun...BABYs will like it....They definitely will want it #Jung-Teacher'sSingingClassroom
trans cr. transforbap

W A I T!!!!!!!!!! I S A I D P L E A S E W A I T!!!!  #yonggiehyung #son #Maeryok

Translation ©Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM
A feast because I cam back home after a long time. I ate it well

Our mischievous BABYs who posted funny pictures and embarrassing pictures...Just what more is left...?? I'm going to have my revenge hehe

Top: DH: Please wait for a while Fan: I am waiting in Japan
Bottom: DH: Seems like you are better than I am Fan:Daehyun-ah.. Nuna is studying Korean very hard right now but it's a little tough because the grammar is difficult...What should I do~?
Top: DH:Kekekekekekekekekekekekeke Fan: If you practice like that..Yo're doing very~well~
Bottom: DH: My bones..? Fan: I do this everyday so I can look after you all euahh

Top: DH: I don't even want to imagine it. Fan: Deleted Tweet: Exams ended last week and it's the exam period this week onwards. Fighting for your practice too oppa
Middle: DH: Fighting! Fan: I'm going for my part-time work in a little bit!
Bottom: DH: I'm practicing! Fan:What are you doing now?

DH: Really? Fan: Our class shirt is a soccer attire and I really like the name (T/N: The fan put Daehyun's name and her name on the shirt)

Top: #Now #Freestyle #ListeningToMusic #Rhythm #Practice #WhenSeeingItInRealLife #ITis #Sleeker #Laugh
Bottom: #Rhythm #ListeningtoMusic #Practice #NotUsingHands

trans cr. transforbap
Ever since debut, I started taking (photos) as a hobby and have been saving them one by one. For quite a while, I've lived busily without thinking of this hobby of mine and now I'm revealing them after a long time! Thoughts like "I've changed a lot" and "I've been receiving a lot of love" are hitting me so i want to express my thankfulness and apology once again..! I'll work more and more and show you a better side of me in the future, too. I love you 

Its cold :'D be careful not to catch a cold everyone

Translation ©Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

Im starting to think about roasted sweet potatoes. I ate a lot of it in the winter of 2014... I wonder if it tastes the same as them. Be careful of the cold!!!

Translation ©Esther@BAPYESSIR.COM

Posted by Melanie@BAPYESSIR.COM

1. You guys are so cool

2. YG:Applause. Fan: For Now I can only talk a little Korean but I'll keep studying till I can have a chat using beautiful words with oppa

3. YG: Don't do it. Fan:Oppa keekekekekekkekekekekekeekekek

4: YG: Applause. Fan: I'm a foreign fan and from now on, I have to study Korean even harder

1. YG: Agree. Fan: Especially when reading poems, we have our own emotions! So I really like it.

2: YG: Agree. Fan: It's a pity that ever since our childhood, we have been trying to learn and use foreign language grammar properly but we aren't learning our own grammar. I also confuse so many things. I hope we all take this chance of today to show some more interest in our own language and learn it better

3. YG:Agree. Fan: That's right. Hanguel is easy but at the same time it's difficult. But IT's nice because there are many words that we can use to express our emotions

4: I hope> I hope I get confused about these too (correct use of the word is on the one the right but most korean people us the one on the left)

5.:Hangul (Korean Alphabet) and Korean (Language) must be separated #hangulday while watching the media, the interviews and speeches, I often get confused too. I hope today will be a day that we think about the meaning of the inventions of hangul and the love that the great King Sejong had for his people deep in our hearts and feel respectful.

Translation ©Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

Posted by Elizabeth@BAPYESSIR.COM

It feels a bit lacking right?

It's getting tough. I should rest a bit now heuk

Have You Been Doing Well

Thank you to those who came today

Thank you to the BABYs who came today and go back carefully hehe. Thank you for the pretty pictures and videos! The weather is getting a little chilly now so dress warmly to not catch a cold hehe go safely

Trans cr. transforbap
Thank you for the beautiful clothes #guateng #Hongdae

Schedule after a long time

Translation ©Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

Buying my real sister a birthday meal

 Im going to eat the cookies and cream on the bottom so hurry up and eat the top

Translation ©Esther@BAPYESSIR.COM

Gold goblet great wine filled with blood of the thousands. Plate of jade and wonderful dishes made from taking advantage of the tens of thousands of people. When the candle weeps so does the commoner tears, the higher the voices of singing so are the voices of dread and resentment.

*His tweet is from a poem by Lee Meng Long from the Joseon Dynasty to critique the corrupt officials of that time.

trans cr. ricejuseyo

 Our hyung #honeyg #dontwannabeyourfriend

One Fine Day

Translation ©Esther@BAPYESSIR.COM

I'll rest a little and then be on my way

Translation ©Esther@BAPYESSIR.COM

When you're tired, indeed #vitamin

I really want to film a vitamin advertisement @TS_Enter: B.A.P ZELO CF Parody - BabitaminC #BAP #BABY #BABYDAY

Translation ©Shwen & Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

Because these days have been busy, I am taking care of my health having some chicken with Youngjae

Translation ©Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

Posted by Melanie@BAPYESSIR.COM

Don't come to our dorm please. We're okay but it can bothers others. Please.
Translation ©Esther & Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

You guys worked hard today.
It's pretty when you smile

 Today was very relaxed and happy. I love and respect you guys for being with us for such a long time

I love you today too

Today was seriously very happy. Thank you. You guys really are my everything. Hehe Go back safely. I love you
Translation © Fatma@BAPYESSIR.COM

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