[SOOMPI] TS Entertainment Teases B.A.P Comeback?

Shared By Melanie@BAPYESSIR.COM

To read the whole article click here!


  1. Daehyunie-oppa~<333333 *dies*looking at this teaser image!!/><\ lol~
    wait a minute,B.A.P's comeback!? :)))))) oh,one more thing before i forget to say something,i'm sorry that i forgot to give my birthday greetings to our beloved Dae-oppa here!/><\(which i can't believe it either!xP)xD anyways~but don't worry,it doesnt mean i've forgotten everyone else birthday anyway esp. our B.A.P fam!^ <)v sometimes my birthday messages to our B.A.P oppas can be found at/on my ig/instagram: kittyblue414 or at/on twitter: blue_kt76 there also. so~no worries,ok?^ ^v just saying~ ^ ^' she hehehe~ ok. that's it from me for now. 'til the next time again who knows i'll drop by again at this favorite bysfansite of mine! ;') keep it up,admins-nim!! ;) ok~byes!!^ ^/ with love~gfor all of you!!U3U/~<3 - chuu~ -

    1. * -she- * -g-for

    2. it's not working,huh? hehehe~ i mean the cancelation!XP xDDD ah~nevermind! hate it when there's a lot of typos here n there!>:-( hehehe~
