“FEEL SO GOOD” Release Event Japan - Kansai Area Details

Post by Elizabeth@BAPYESSIR.COM

【Date & Venue】
  • 2016/7/16(Sat) 14:00   Senri Selcy 1F, Selcy Plaza 
  • 2016/7/17(Sun) 14:00   Lazona Kawasaki Plaza, Lufa Plaza 2F Grand Stage 

※Event TBA if rainy weather, cancelled if stormy weather 
Use of umbrellas will be prohibited in both priority and non-priority areas in consideration of safety. (There will not be a priority area in Lazona)
Please be prepared in the event of rainy weather.

Mini-live & Hightouch with all members 

※Viewing of the mini live is free. 
※Priority area entrance is only for guests who purchase an album on the day from the special booth. This is a ticketed area and is on a first-in first-served basis. 
※A “hightouch participation ticket” included in applicable products is required to participate in the hightouch event. 
※The “hightouch participation ticket” must be exchanged for a numbered ticket with staff on the day; the ticket alone from the album will not allow you to participate in hightouch. 

(Some details omitted)
©Official B.A.P Ameblo | Translation: cassie_babyz

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