B.A.P LOE Tour Details: Europe Attack!! (Merchandise)

Shared by Cece @ BAPYESSIR.COM

B.A.P Europe Attack Merchandise! Available at the venues in London, Paris & Düsseldorf


Being among the audience and seeing B.A.P on stage is not close enough for you?
Then grab the chance to meet B.A.P after their concerts in London, Paris and Düsseldorf for the exclusive High-Five Event.
Only 300 tickets for the High-Five Event will be hidden as a special in the signed First Sensibility CD, which you can buy at the venues and online. The High-Five tickets won´t be sold individually. Those CDs are also signed by one of the B.A.P members.
In each city 100 lucky fans will get the chance to participate at the High-Five Event.
Those exclusive CDs are limited, to make sure you get one of the only 2000 signed CDs, purchase it before the concert online.
Here you can print out a voucher and can exchange this one for CD at the merchbooth inside the venue!
Price: Presale 25€ which is about 20 pound plus 1,19€ system fee, 30,- at the venue
PRE SALE starts April 15th contact: ticketing@twisted-talent.com

Please be advised that you can purchase the official merchandise of B.A.P LIVE ON EARTH 2014 CONTINENT TOUR via. the link below; 

Please be noted that those merchandise on the website above will be delivered to Europe only, because they won’t be sold at the concert venue in Europe due to some kind of restriction. 

A fan emailed Twisted Talent regarding the gift boxes at venue, and they said there will be boxes! So if you'd like to give a little present to B.A.P, you will be able to! Please keep in mind that they won't probably be able to bring everything back to KR, so it's better to not buy them too expensive stuff @.@ 

Twisted Talent also said that cameras are NOT allowed for Europe. We don't know how strict they will be about that, so it's better to not bring your big expensive camera ^^;

- Please read the following info carefully, a few things have changed since the initial announcement.
- Please note that those three shows are the only ones in Europe. If you want to see B.A.Ps epic live shows in Europe this is your chance!
- Ticket links will not be activated before the actual pre-sale starts.

LONDON (UK) @ O2 Academy Brixton
Date: Sunday 27th April 2014
Door Time: 7:00pm / Show Time: 8:00pm

VIP Stalls: 109,- GBP (Includes 30min early entry /Pass Laminate & Lanyard)
Stalls: 79,- GBP
Balcony First Blocks: 89,- GBP
Balcony Back Blocks: 79,- GBP

Tickets on Sale:
O2 Pre-Sale: Friday 21st March 2014 @ 10am UK / 11am CET
General Sale: Monday 24th March 2014 @ 10am UK / 11am CET

Ticket links:

Event details
U14s must be accompanied by an adult and seated upstairs
Under 25’s require I.D to purchase alcohol

Ticket restrictions:
Pre-sale max. number per customer = 4
General sale max number per customer = 8

PARIS (FR) @ Le Zenith
Date: Wednesday 30th April 2014
Door Time: 7:00pm / Show Time: 8:00pm

Party Pit Stalls: € 129,- (Includes 30min early entry /Pass Laminate & Lanyard)
Regular Stalls or Seated: € 89,-

Tickets on Sale:
General Sale: Friday 21st March 2014 @ 12pm noon CET

Ticket links:

Ticket restrictions:
Pre-sale max. number per customer = 4
General sale max number per customer = 8

DÜSSELDORF (D) @ Mitsubishi Electric Halle
Date: Saturday 3rd May 2014
Door Time: 7:00pm / Show Time: 8:00pm

Party Pit Stalls: € 129,- (Includes 30min early entry /Pass Laminate & Lanyard)
Ground Floor: € 89,-
Balcony Side View - seated: € 89,-
Balcony rear end of venue - seated: € 59,-

Tickets on Sale:
General Sale: Friday 21st March 2014 @ 1pm CET

Ticket links:
www.konticket.de (All Categories)
https://frontoffice.paylogic.nl/?event_id=92367&point_of_sale_id=7914 (Only Party Pit and Ground Floor)

Event details:
All tickets are „Kombi Tickets“ means Travel with local transportation of the VRR (Verkehrsbetrieb Rhein – Ruhr) offer a free ride to and from the venue in Düsseldorf!
It allows any ticket holder to use following transportation:
- VRR PS D Süd 2.Class
- VRR Catergory D Region Süd 2.Class
- VRR (2.Class) Pricelevel D, Region South

** Please be advised that this service is only available for people living within the green line

LOE UK at LONDON on Apr 27 The Brixton Academy "O2 Academy, Brixton" capacity 4000

L.O.E FRANCE at PARIS on Apr 30, Le Zénith de Paris. Capacity 6300  

LOE GERMANY at Düsseldorf on May 3, The Mitsubishi Electric Halle, capacity 7500


Shared by Cece @ BAPYESSIR.COM

*Please be advised that B.A.P won't perform at 2014 K-Culture Festival in Frankfurt.

©Neo Tokyo Facebook


  1. omg is B.A.P really coming to London! :O

  2. yay they are coming >.< i am waiting xD

  3. Ahhh they really come to Düsseldorf !!!!!
    Genie I love them so much

  4. ik ben dood ok doei

  5. Ohmygod crying Dutch fan over here. I AM CRYING

  6. Op naar Duitsland! :)

  7. ik ben ook dood omgggg groetjes, een Belgische fan :)

  8. I'ma hungarian fan and i've never in my life, have been to another country. So i have no clue how to get to Düsseldorf even thou i have the money for traveling and to buy the tickets. I just have totally no clue. And i can speak only english, so there is just no way i'd find the place they're helding the show. I'm excited, yet afraid and asdasdf. Halp . :/

    1. Hi! I'm a french fan and I'm bordered with Germany so Düsseldorf is closer than Paris for me. I will travel to Germany for their concert and maybe we can talk together about it ? ^^ I saw that the place was at 5min by car from the train station, so if I go with german people, we can make a step there :) let's talk! I'm on facebook (Tiphaine Merck) if you want to ^^

    2. Szilvi! én is magyar vagyok, és én a londoni koncertre mennék. esetleg ha érdekel mehetnénk együtt!!

    3. Hahó Vivien, én is magyar vagyok, én a kettő között ingázok, Düsseldorf vagy London? Repülővel mennél? Mert afelé hajlok én is. Düsseldorfba akkor mennék, ha esetleg valaki be tudna szervezni valami buszt...

    4. Halihó :) Vagyunk többen is magyarok, és én barátnőmmel megyek Düsseldorfba, repülővel, de tudok emberkéket, akik busszal mennek, ha érdekel valakit.

    5. Sziasztok! :)
      Én Düsseldorfba megyek a barátnőmmel és busszal. Remélem tudok találkozni pár magyarral akik szintén oda mennek ^^
      Előre is jó koncertet mindenkinek! :D

  9. I'm a french fan and I'm so HAPPY !!!! :)
    Date is vacation in france, Perfect timing !! B.A.P is the Best

  10. I'm from Estonia and I really want to go to their Düsseldorf concert, it's the closest location for me. Any other babys going to their concert from far away countries?

    1. I don't really know how far away ypu are but i'm from Switzerland and I'll be going to their Düsseldorf concert too. I think it's about 6-8 hours with the train or so..

    2. I'm from Finland and I really want to go to their concert too. I'm kinda afraid to go alone, so it would be nice to find some company.

  11. That is on scale with the big Kpop groups!! B.A.P is really something else!!

  12. OMG B.A.P in france! I'm so happy :D! I'm gonna crying!!

  13. I'm from the Netherlands and I'm going to their Düsseldorf concert (If I get tickets ofcourse xD) :D And only 2 hours by car :)
    Would like to go to the French concert too, but I don't want to go there alone xD

    1. I know right I'm also from the netherlands and I'm afraid to go there alone

    2. Hoi) Ik wil er ook zo graag heen! Hopelijk lukt het me ook,maar ik wil ook niet allein ,het is leuker om met iemand samen naar zulke plekken te gaan ? In weleke stad wonen jullie? ps. ik woon in Arnhem ,het is ongeveer anderhalf uur van hier naar Dusseldorf

    3. Misschien dan een idee om een groep te vormen? Ik woon in Zwolle! :)

    4. Ja) daar dacht ik ook aan , zou echt fijn zijn en als het bijv, lukt (met tickets enz )willen jullie dan met auto of trein gaan ?

    5. Ik kan dan wel de auto meenemen (had ik al bedacht als ik alleen zou moeten ;)

    6. ik wil ook graag mee met een groepje? ik was van plan met de trein te gaan maar als iemand gaat rijden wil ik ook wel mee als het kan hahah ^^ ik woon btw bij haarlem dus kan naar elke plek met de trein komen.

    7. Kunnen we dan met jouw auto daarheen ? Ik wil nog wel de prijzen van tickets weten hopelijk is het niet te duur. Informatie is woensdag bekend als het goed is, en trouwens hebben jullie facebook , is makkelijker om via daar contacteren

    8. Jup.. zou wel fijn zijn als jullie dan een benzinevergoeding mee kunnen betalen :) Maar met de auto is wel fijn, zit je ook niet aan tijden vast enzo.. :) Mijn Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marieke.vangelder.7

    9. Ja natuurlijk) ja drm het is l fijn en gezellig om met auto gaan. Ik heb je net op facebook toegevoegd:)

    10. hallooo, ik wil ook super graaag naar b.a.p. concert maar ik wil dus absoluut niet alleeen xD is het mogelijk om met jullie te gaan of zijn er al te veel mensen??

    11. Heey, ik zal Marieke ook toevoegen op facebook dan kunnen we daar praten, is idd handiger!

    12. Hallo~ Nog een dutch BABY kkkkk Ik ken een hele grote groep mensen die naar Dusseldorf gaan/willen, sommige gaan samen reizen. Ik weet uberhaupt niet of ik mag maar ik ga ook met iemand van de groep mensen samen reizen ^^ Ik weet niet of jullie ooit van SKM hebben gehoord? https://www.facebook.com/groups/451600558226427/?fref=ts

    13. Heey, nog eentje hier die naar Düsseldorf gaat, ik weet niet wie er nog meer gaan en of we dan misschien met een groepje zouden kunnen? Ik zou eventueel met de auto kunnen, dus laat maar even weten of je er interesse in hebt want wil echt absoluut niet alleen gaan.

    14. Zijn er mensen die al een ticket hebben? Ik heb een party pit ticket en ga nu nog alleen ^^" Ik ga met de auto vanaf zwolle

    15. Ik heb een normale ground ticket, was net te laat voor de party pit ticket. Ik wilde eerst zelf ook met de auto, maar ik weet niet of ik anders met jou mee kan rijden als er nog niemand meegaat?

    16. ik was ook te laat en ik had ook een normale ground ticket gehaald, maar de party pit tickets zijn weer aanwezig dus je kunt nog halen :0 ik heb zelf meteen party pit ticket gehaald

  14. I'm so happy that they are coming close to home if only I had friends who also liked kpop don't like going alone

    1. I don't either, but I'm planning to go alone from Spain~~ <3

  15. I don't even have tickets but I'm so damn excited omg. Germany here we come!

  16. I'm so excited! I hope I'll be able to get the tickets! Paris, here I come :D

  17. Can somebody tell me what does CET means? Thank you.

    1. CET comes from the words Central European Time. You add one hour to the UTC (Coordinated Universal Time, pretty much the same as GMT = Greenwich Mean Time) and you get CET. So for example, when the clock is 8pm in London, it's 9pm with CET. So basically, when the pre-sales for the tickets start tomorrow morning at 9am CET, it would be 8am in London. Hope I helped! ^^

  18. Do the ticket prices include tax? :)

  19. I live in the UK and I have been on the O2 website but it says it comes out on Monday. Where do I get the pre-sales?

    1. PRESALES:

      O2 Priority will have a presale for B.A.P LOE London tickets from 9am on Friday, this is for O2 network customers only. You will need to sign up to the o2 Priority site and have an o2 phone number.

      [NOTE: For those of you who are asking, presales are only allocated a certain amount of tickets. The concert will NOT sell out through presales alone. If a presale sells out, you can still get tickets through general sales that will begin a little later on.]

  20. Hi guys. I am currently in France. Anyone knows whether I can purchase pre-sale tickets online?
    Thanks a lot

  21. Anyone have any idea if we will be able to pay through PayPal for the concert in Dusseldorf?

    1. Yeah with PayPal it is going to work :-)

    2. Nice to know.. we did the payment with a banktransfer as there was no possibility to pay directly on the site apparently..

  22. Hii!! Anyone from the UK going to the London concert? I can't participate in the pre-sales tomorrow because I'm not from the UK but what do you guys think, will there be any at least ok seats available anymore on Monday next week when the general sale starts? Since I feel like all the VIP packages and best seats will be taken by the O2 Priority members tomorrow morning. I don't really care too much since I would still get to hear my best, absolute, perfect guys sing live but I would also looove to see them dance and actually GET TO SEE THEIR FACES asdfghjklasdfdghkl!!! Getting to see them aka my favorite group live would be a dream come true.

    1. I'm planning to go ^O^ don't worry, there will be tickets left- they normally separate a bunch of tickets for the presale, and the rest will be for the general sales so they won't sell out from the presale only :P

  23. belgium fan over here :D was thinking to go to french concert but the price of the tickets are 97,90 is that correct here it was written it was only 89 maybe I will go to dusseldorf instead :p

  24. Hello Me and my Sister are big Fans of B.A.P from Switzerland. But we have a problem. The train to Düsseldorf is more than 250 Euro, it's really expensive and we wanted to ask if someone is from Switzerland who wants to go to the concert to and can take us with the car too. It would be really great. Please help us :-(

    1. You can still go to the Paris venue. The train from Geneva (where I live) is only about 100CHF and it takes 3 hours to reach Paris (it's 7 hours to Düsseldorf from Geneva...).

    2. Thank you i will take a look :-)

  25. [SALE] HI Europeans Baby, I sold 2 ticket stand up For 170 € both, it was 195€ ! :)
    if someone interested contact me on facebook @ Perrine Benoist

    1. Hii! :)

      What concert are you selling for London? and is it VIP or standard?

  26. Hey guys, I am currently having an extra Party Pits ticket for sale for LOE in Paris. Feel free to contact me through email: robinlst18@gmail.com/ twitter: @robin_leung / fb: Robin Leung or even instagram: robin_leung
    Please help spread the word if you know anyone would like the ticket! :) Thanks!

  27. ok, diffrent sites are stating diffrent things about gift boxes and cameras O.o UK B.A.P has other information about cameras and gift boxes. They have also asked the event site and the arrangers. They stated that there were no gift boxes so you can not bring presents and that cameras are allowed but not proffesional cameras! and water and food are not allowed in the consert hall. This is for the UK consert. Soooo now im really confused! what is allowed and what is not!

    1. Hi, do you know anything about the concert in Dusseldorf? I'm going together with my sister and offcourse like anyone we would bring our camera.. but how about the restrictions there?

  28. Anyone or know someone selling a VIP London Ticket?

    "I will find you and I will buy you"

  29. Hi..Is anyone from Central Switzerland going for the concert??Is so please tell me if you will be going to Germany or Paris.Thanks!!

  30. hii is anyone interested in a B.A.P germany concert ticket
    it's a Ground floor standing ticket
    i bought it but don't want it anymore because i have a party pit ticket
    i'm selling it for 85,00 euro's (the are selling it for 99,55 euro's + chipment cost)
    you can say a number as well!!!

    please respond if you're interested !!!!!!1

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Hi! I'm selling 1 Ground Floor standing ticket for 70€ (originally for 103€ including fees) for LOE in Düsseldorf. Contact me at kokina11@gmail.com if you're interested!

  33. Hi,
    I'm french, sorry for my bad english.
    Where we can find posters "Earth needs Emotion" (Himchan) please ? I looked everywhere but I can't find ....
    Thanks !

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