Twitter updates of June

UPDATE: Update by Himchan

Thank you very very much to fans and acquaintances who wished me a happy birthday today! And please give our song COFFEE SHOP lots of love! It indeed is a happy birthday~! Thank you Baby~!!

Uploaded a picture that was taken while shooting the music video keukeu Since the music video took much effort please watch it prettily Thank you 

(T/N: By 'prettily' he means watch it well)

Translation ©

Everyone, I do not do instagram yet~
Don't misunderstand!

"Brothers wearing hats ~ V"

Translation ©

Please look forward to it ^^!

Translation ©

If your curious about the mystery circle code? (I know.. heu)
D- 1, Coming Soon.                                                          

Translations ©

Today is #BAPLiveOnEarthHK

I keep waking up early because I'm always nervous on concert days. Maybe it's because I'll be meeting BABYs. See you later! Let's all enjoy. I love you today as well.

Translations ©

 Released the teaser for coffee shop, going to Hong Kong tomorrow^^! I am finally realizing that the time to meet BABYs is coming closer. Babies (T/N: He says the literal word for babies in Korean) I really miss you therefore I upload a picture of me when I was a baby keu keu I miss BABY

 Practice room filled with hot heat~!! With amazing JungSeob hyung and Zelo who is white as a paper ^^!

The taste of coffee is too bitter!! haehae^^

Coffee more than anything

Translations ©

Arrived in Korea! Thank you babyz for coming out and greeting us ^^

© (Junghwa)

500th day..! Did you see the message?^^! Thank you always and I will work hard so BABYz will not be embarrassed. The Taiwan BABYz were fun today, too^^! I love you
(A picture that I took on the airplane on one peaceful day, long ago)

500일..! 메세지 보셨나요?^^!
항상 고맙고 베이비들에게 부끄럽지 않도록 열심히 할게요
오늘 대만베이비들도 즐거웠어요^^!
(옛날 평온한 어느 날 비행기안에서 찍었던 사진)

© (Junghwa)

Thank you, we'll do our best today as well. I love you. Whether it may be 1,000 days or 10,000 days, let's be together like we promised. I'm thankful that you give me strength and allow me to love you. *
You are precious to me and will always be my No. 1

*I'm not sure how to word that? It's even weird in Korean, really... 

© (Danbi)

This is Taipei~!!! The weather is good heuheu To those that came to meet us at the airport, those who came to meet us in Taiwan, thank you very much^^baby~!

© (Junghwa) 

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