Posted by Nicole
Today we're celebrating the birth of our honey voiced Busan Boy!!
© Vocal And Visual
June 28th, 2013; Jung Daehyun's 20th birthday
It's Jung Daehyun's 20th birthday (international age), and we all hope he has an amazingly special day!
Seeing Daehyun in "Ta-dah It's B.A.P," a lot of us may have been expecting a bit of a different character than what we see today(^O^☆♪ We all fell in love with the quiet masked boy, and we keep falling more in love with the teasing, cheesecake-loving 93liner.
Dae never ceases to amaze us as B.A.P's vocal and visual; His high notes can't be beat, and just hearing him sing or seeing his smiling face is enough to turn around any Baby's bad day (and let's face it, we all die a little whenever we see him in a sleeveless shirt. Those arms~). Even when he must be exhausted after working so hard, when Babys gather at airports or other public places to greet B.A.P, Daehyun almost always takes the time to smile and wave at his fans. Aside from being an amazingly talented singer and performer, he really is incredibly kind-hearted as well.
So here's hoping that Daehyun has a fantastic birthday, and that he continues to grow and amaze us with his beautiful voice.
happy birthday