Twitter Updates of May 2012

모해요다들? 자려나~?
What is everyone doing? Are you sleeping~?

@BAP_Bangyongguk :

 가이드레코딩 해줄 크랲터 데려왔다 이제 너도 같이 놀자
I brought a Crafter to use for guide recordings. Now, you play with me too.

@BAP_Bangyongguk :
no church in the wild 

 어제부터 일주일간 윤하 선배님과 달콤한연애 연하와 윤하사이! 그리고 오늘 B.A.P 와 함께하는 별밤! 많이기대해주세요
The sweet relationship between a younger male and Younha that started yesterday with Younha senior and will go for a week! And ‘Starry Night’ today, which is going to be together with B.A.P! Anticipate it a lot

Lyfe jennings - Must be nice 이 노래뿐아니라 앨범트랙 전부를 들어보시는것도 좋아요^^!Lyfe Jennings - ‘Must be Nice’ I think it would be good if you listened to not only this song, but all of the tracks on the album ^^!

 기분좋은 하루^_^
A day where I feel good ^_^

@BAP_Bangyongguk :

 손 걱정 그만 나 부활했어요
 Don’t worry about my hand anymore, I healed


@BAP_Daehyun : 
오늘같이 더운날 시원한 바다구경 가고 싶네요..!!
On a hot day like today, I want to view the refreshing beach..!!

@BAP_Bangyongguk :

Frank Ocean - Thinking About You


 형은 너가 자랑스럽다 종업아
 Hyung is proud of you, Jongup


내가 바로 문종업이다
 I am the Moon Jongup

쇼챔피언 재미있었어요~?
Was Show Champion fun~?

: 안녕하세요 바닐라맛 영재입니다. 초코, 딸기맛과 함께 홍진경의2시에 가려고 준비중이에요.” 맛있겠죠?? 후훗.“
@BAP_Youngjae: Hello, I’m vanilla-flavored Youngjae. I am preparing to attend Hong Jinkyoung’s 2 O’Clock Radio with chocolate & strawberry flavors” Looks delicious, right?? Hoohoot

하하… “: 안녕하세요 바닐라맛 영재입니다. 초코, 딸기맛과 함께 홍진경의2시에 가려고 준비중이에요.
Haha… “: Hello, I’m vanilla-flavored Youngjae. I am preparing to attend Hong Jinkyoung’s 2 O’Clock Radio with chocolate & strawberry flavors ”

안녕하세요 바닐라맛 영재입니다. 초코, 딸기맛과 함께 홍진경의2시에 가려고 준비중이에요.
 Hello, I’m vanilla-flavored Youngjae. I am preparing to attend Hong Jinkyoung’s 2 O’Clock Radio with chocolate & strawberry flavors

 @BAP_Daehyun : 
오늘 정말. 배부른하루네요! 잘 먹었습니다. 해외팬분들 한국팬분들 모두 감사드려요!
Today is really. a full day! I ate it well. Thank you to all overseas fans and Korean fans!

@BAP_Bangyongguk :
항상 고마운 베이비들 오늘도 최고 조심히 들어가요 우리도 퇴근 길
Always thankful for Babys and today was again the best. Get home safely as we are on our way home also

한밤의 게릴라시진 투척! 오늘 베이비들과 만나기전 피부관리중~이따 싸인회때 넘 눈부셔하지 말기^_^!

Guerrilla photos in the middle of the night! Taking care of our skin before meeting Babys~ Don’t be blinded when you see us later in the fan signing^_^!


우리 좋은 음악 많이 공유하자구요!!!우하하하!!^
Let’s all share lots of good music!!! Woohahaha!!^
Maroon5 - Payphone(Feat. Wiz khalifa)제가 요즘 너무 좋아하는 랩퍼가 피쳐링을했네요 가사해석이 더 중요한거 아시죠?? [Here We Go!!]
Maroon5 - Payphone(Feat. Wiz khalifa) The rapper that I recently really like has featured in this. You know that interpreting the lyrics is more important, right?? [Here We Go!!]

@BAP_Bangyongguk : 
5.18 광주 민주화 운동 기억하고 애도합시다
Let’s remember and give our condolences towards the 5/18 Gwangju Democracy Movement


게릴라 사진 투척!
A guerilla photo!


@BAP_Bangyongguk :
서울 올라가는 내내 매니져형과 20대 청춘에 대해 얘기하고있는데 난 아직 청춘을 음악으로 이야기하기엔 한 없이 어리고 갈 길이 먼듯싶다
During the whole time we were going up to Seoul, I was talking with our manager hyung about the youth of those in their 20’s, but it seems I am still far too young and have a long way to go before being able to express that youth through music. 

나름대로 내 가치관이 많이 컸다고 생각했는데 아직 어리구나 또 느낀다 세상에 부딪히고 넘어지고 상처도나보고 다시 일어나서 뛰고 달려야지 대한민국 20대 화이팅합시다
 I thought that my set of morals was quite large, but I feel again that I am still young. In life, we bump into things, fall over, and get hurt, but we need to stand up again and continue to run. Hwaiting to the 20’s of Korea.

@BAP_Bangyongguk :

 Jill Scott - Comes to light (Everything)

좋은 추억 만들기위해 지금 만나러 갑니다
Off to meet you all to make good memories

@BAP_Bangyongguk :

비 냄새 좋네요 이따봐요
The smell of rain is nice. See you all later.

대구에있는 baby들보러 가는날이라그런지 비도 조으네 ㅋㅋ
Maybe it’s because we’re going to see babys in Daegu, but the rain is nice ㅋㅋ

@BAP_Daehyun : 
잠시후 팬싸인회 현장에서 만나요~!
Let’s meet at the fansigning scene soon~!

우리 Baby분들은 아프고그러면안되! 몸조심~!
Our Babys, you can’t become sick and stuff like that! Watch out for your health~!

엠카가기위해준비중 We got the power!
In the middle of preparing to go to M! Countdown. We got the power!

@BAP_Bangyongguk :
 Let’s do it together

  그럼 23살힘찬이의 허그는 어때요?Then how about 23 year old Himchan’s hug?

@BAP_Bangyongguk : 
I’m going to decline
(In reply to {})

 꼬마 힘찬이의 허그를 받으실해요?

Would you like to receive kid Himchan’s hug?

 @BAP_Daehyun : 
오늘물폭탄맞았습니다. 하하 와주신baby분들고마워요!
Got attacked with water today haha thank you to the Babys who came!

오늘하루도 파이팅합시다^^!
Let’s hwaiting for today as well^^!

 @BAP_Bangyongguk : 
커피숍에서 작업중인 세 남자들 저 열정에 괜시리 또 자극받는다 멋진사람들 그들에 음악은 열정만큼 꽃피우리다 응원합니다
I’m again motivated in seeing the three guys pour their passion into producing inside the coffee shop. Such awesome guys. I’ll be cheering for them in that their music can blossom with the amount of passion that’s put into it.

@BAP_Bangyongguk :

Small Heart
If there happens to be a shortage of bread and the world is cold, then this is not the fault of the rain, but because people have too small hearts. - Jean Rousselot

오늘 인기가요 응원와준 Baby들 정말고마워요! 잊지 못할무대였어요! Thank you, I love you Baby ^_^!
Thank you so much to the Babys who came to cheer us on for today’s Inkigayo! It’s a stage I won’t be able to forget! Thank you, I love you Baby ^_^!
BABY 여러분, 앞으로도 함께해요.
BABYs, let’s continue to stay together in the future as well.

@BAP_Daehyun :
베이비분들이 준비해준 식사 맛있게먹었어요. 베이비들도 밥 잘챙겨먹고 다녀요.
We ate the meal that BABYs prepared well. BABYs, make sure you take care in eating your meals properly too.

 어느덧100일이나되었네요! 우리가 만난지 엊그제같은데말이에요 크크 BABY들 우리 함께 해왔던 100일이 모두 추억이 되었고, 앞으로 우리 여섯의 인생이 어떻게 그려질지 모르지만 곁에 있어줄거라 믿어요 고마워요 함께한다는게 참 좋은 말이네요All of a sudden, it’s already 100 days! It seems like we just met yesterday keukeu the 100 days that BABYs have been with us have all been memories and I don’t know how the lives of all six members will draw out in the future, but I believe that you’ll be beside us. Thank you and I think it’s good to hear the words of being together

또하나! 시크릿송지은선배님의 생일 을축하드립니다! 팡파레~
Also, one more thing! Congratulations on Secret’s Song Jieun senior’s birthday! Fanfare~

데뷔100일! 우리 Baby들 고마워~*_*!
100 days since our debut! Thank you, our Babys~ *_*!

@BAP_Daehyun :  
저희가 데뷔한지 벌써 100일이되었군요. 더욱 더 열심히하는 B.A.P가 되겠습니다!
It has already been 100 days since we debuted. We shall become a B.A.P who works even harder!

기분 좋은 소식 !!! 고마워요 Baby들 !!
Good news !!! Thank you Babys !!

엠카컴백무대! 곧입니다요~ 볼거지요~? 감사합니다요! 이따만나요^_^!
Countdown’s comeback stage! It’s coming up soon~ You’ll see it, right~? Thank you! I’ll see you later ^_^!

날씨가 오락가락한 오늘..! 우리 Baby들이 보고싶다아~
On a day like today where the weather is on and off..! I miss our Babys

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