B.A.P Official Mobile Site Staff Blog Updates: No Mercy MV filming

Admin: Nicole


Continuing from yesterday, there are filming for the "No Mercy" music video!

During this back-to-back hard schedule and bitter cold, B.A.P is doing something cool and a little different to create something new for us, and they're doing their best along with the staff!!
Please wait a little!^^
For those who haven't, please reserve your copy (of "No Mercy") at record stores or online!

© bap-official.jp | bapyessir.com #Nicole


Yesterday was the photoshoot for the 3rd Japanese single "No Mercy" CD Jacket!

Despite being busy with their schedule, which lasted until late at night, the members ended the photoshoot with laughter and a fun atmosphere!

The members said they want to meet everyone in Japan as soon as they can!

This costumes are different than what they've done so far...
We're excited for the day we can show you!

© bap-official.jp | bapyessir.com #Nicole

During Recording Hello everyone! The time is coming for B.A.P's 2014 Japan promotions! During their busy schedule, the group is recording for their next release. We think we'll have good news for everyone fairly soon! Please stay tuned! 

© bap-official.jp | bapyessir.com #Nicole

Korea now??

Hello everyone!

Alright, Korea's really cold!

And there's snow!!

So to say why have we come to Korea...

Finally, B.A.P's promotions for this year will start!

B.A.P is extremely busy with preparations for their Korean comeback, but they want to prepare so that they can hurry and tell Japanese Babys some info, so please wait!

© bap-official.jp | bapyessir.com #Nicole

Hello! Today it's (Japan's) Coming of Age Day! Congratulations to those who have come of age today!!
This month, B.A.P member Youngjae celebrates his coming of age by Japanese (international) age! Here is a photo and message from Youngjae!

To the Babys who have become 20 years old: 
Everyone who was born in 1994!! How are you? 
Finally! From this day on we all come of age, right~!
For me, I want to become an adult who takes care of myself!
From today, let's become adults who love ourselves and have responsibility!
Because I'm a~~~~~lways cheering you on!
Everyone! Fighting!
I love you~
Really, congratulations on Coming of Age Day!!

From adult man, Youngjae 

© bap-official.jp | bapyessir.com #Nicole

There was also another Staff Blog update which introduced 2nd Baby Day: Be My BABY fanmeeting,  asked Babys to continue supporting B.A.P, and also asked Babys to be careful not to catch cold. 

© bap-official.jp | bapyessir.com #Nicole

1 comment:

  1. oh wow,that was super fast! fantastico! lol but why in a hurry,hmm?^ ^ take it easy,TSENT people! B.A.P too,do take care of yourself boyz and dont do everything in a rush,o-kay? again,take it easy,bbs!
